
Our Mission

To Help You Bring LIFE To Life

Our Values


Often we think of worship as singing in church. At The Well we see worship as much more than that. Worship is declaring that God is worth our attention and that his words are of infinite value to our lives. Worship becomes a lifestyle of learning to quiet our lives to hear from the God who loves to speak life into us. However, worship is also learning to respond to God’s word by living out and celebrating those life giving truths daily.

We Worship by hearing and responding to God’s voice.

Am I practicing being present with God or is the world distracting me?


When Jesus left this world He told his disciples that they would be His witnesses to the world. At The Well we believe that Jesus invites us to partner with Him to bring about the kingdom of heaven to earth. This makes the kingdom mission our mission. If this is indeed our mission, we seek to view this world through God’s eyes with great care, concern, and compassion for those who do not know Him. Our new view creates a desire to bring our best to the only mission with eternal impact.

We Engage our world by owning God’s mission.

Do I continually seek to bring my best, or am I apathetic?


It is not good for man to be alone; these are the words God spoke at the dawn of creation. His solution? He created Eve to be Adam’s completer. As God’s image bearers, we have been created to be in community, just as God is in community. Living in isolation is not part of the life-giving design God has for us. Caring for people and being cared for by people is a vital part of being a member of God’s family.

We Live life in community with others.

Am I being cared for and caring for others or going it alone?


One of Jesus’ last instructions for His disciples was for them to make disciples. A large part of our mission is to develop the skill and knowledge to make disciples. Jesus put the responsibility of sharing the good news of heaven and the life-giving truths of God’s promises squarely on the shoulders of everyday people. This means we seek to see people not the way our eyes see them, but through the lenses God sees them. Our chief concern becomes how we can help others further their relationship with God.

We Love people by pouring into them.

Do I care more for a person’s walk with God, or how they perform?

Our Beliefs

The Well seeks to hold fast to the beliefs that have been core to the Christian faith for the past 2000 years. We believe there are some beliefs that are essential to the faith and others which have come up for debate. We, as a church, seek to hold fast to the essentials while remaining in conversation regarding those under debate.

The Bible

The Bible, consisting of the 66 books of the Old and New Testament, is the true, infallible, written message of God to us. We believe the authors of the Bible were inspired by God and are therefore completely trustworthy. The Bible is the final authority on all matters to which it speaks.


We believe in one God who exists without beginning or end. We believe God exists in perfect community as three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; called the Trinity. Each person of the Trinity shares the same essence or substance, but maintains a unique personality and role.

God the Father

We believe The Father spoke into existence all of creation. The Father continues to actively sustain His creation. The Father is true holiness, all-powerful, infinite love, absolute truth, all-knowing ,and all-present.

God the Son

We believe Jesus Christ is simultaneously 100% human and 100% divine. We believe He was born of a virgin, conceived through the Holy Spirit; that His death was the only pleasing and acceptable sacrifice for the sins of all. We believe He was resurrected bodily as proof and vindication of His claims of Deity; and that He ascended to Heaven after appearing to over 500 people during the 40 days following His resurrection. We believe He will return in bodily form to gather all Christ followers, to judge the living and the dead, and to complete history and the eternal plan of God. We believe Jesus is the only way to have a personal relationship with God, and that only by personally accepting His death and resurrection can one be spiritually birthed (born again) into this relationship.

God the Holy Spirit

We believe the Holy Spirit’s goal is to bring glory and honor to Jesus Christ. We affirm He is actively involved in the lives of Christ followers. He is not only responsible for their new birth, He also instructs and empowers them to live the Christian life. He grows fruit in their lives as evidence of character development. He gifts them in ways that enable the fulfillment of their God given responsibility of being God’s instrument for reaching the world. We believe Holy Spirit is active in the lives of non-Christians, whether skeptics or inquisitive seekers. He is at work, prodding them about sin, pointing out their distance from God, and heightening their sense of the emptiness that only God can fill. We believe that all people are created in the image of God and this gives them great dignity and value. Furthermore, people were created to live in a thriving relationship with God.

Our Fall

Through the fall of Adam and Eve, all are separated from God by sin (failing to live by God’s moral standards). We remain in that state until the moment of new birth by Holy Spirit.

Our Salvation

Salvation happens when we understand that because of God’s love for us, God sent His Son, Jesus, to restore our relationship with God through His death on the cross. Only through His shed blood and resurrection are there any grounds for justification and reconciliation to God. Salvation is, therefore, received as a free gift of faith. Only through the work of the Holy Spirit can this reconciliation resulting in eternal life be received.

Our Church

We believe the church is comprised of any person, anywhere in the world who puts their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. The church is comprised of people who are empowered by Holy Spirit to be part of the mission of Jesus for this world. The church is made up of imperfect people who are responding day by day in all their relationships to God’s stunning grace. We believe the church does not exist for itself, but exists as a community of worshipers who are here to serve others as they bring the love and hope of Jesus to the world around them.

Its Mission

The church is universal, but is expressed locally. The church is the visible and local demonstration of the new community Christ came to create. Holy Spirit leads our community life as we are devoted to worshiping God, understanding and applying the Bible to our lives, offering connection to others, living life together, serving our community, and using our Spirit-given gifts to serve Christ and others. The church celebrates the Sacraments (Baptism and Communion), which are gifts given by Christ and are experiences of His promise and His presence with us.



Oversight Team